Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014

Anti-World Cup group vandalized Neymar graffiti mural

Graffiti mural by artist Tot depicting Brazilian soccer player Neymar (L) and Samba music legend Cartola, in celebration of the 2014 soccer World Cup in Rio de Janeiro May 9, 2014. The mural is a part of a contest organized by Rio de Janeiro's city hall, local media said. (Source: Yahoo!)

Members of the anti-World Cup anarchist group known as a Black Bloc,
have painted their

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Brazil's graffiti art in support of World Cup protest - pt.2

A boy walks in front of graffiti painted against infrastructure work for the 2014 World Cup at the Metro Mangueira slum in Rio de Janeiro.

According to a document released by the popular movement ‘Comite Popular da Copa e Olimpiadas do Rio de Janeiro’(People's Committee of the World Cup and Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro), the preparations for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games in

Monday, June 2, 2014

Brazil's graffiti art in support of World Cup protest - pt.1

Brazilian graffiti artists join demonstrations against the Brazil World
Cup, using the streets as a canvass to express their
discontent. Protesters are angry about the government spending billions
on World Cup infrastructure rather than basic public services. Graffiti
artist Paulo Ito says the World Cup is an ideal platform for residents
to demand action from the government.
