Friday, May 31, 2013

DUABOYS in India

Zombie, Money, Rocket -
DUA Crew made a trip to India in 2011.
Filmed by A.K and dedicated to Adolf, Ganesh, Youssif and the Bazzang Boys.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

One Shot Deal - Graffiti NYC

id America joins with Graffiti artists from the streets of New York to offer customized protection for iPhone 5 so unique and true to its roots. Graffiti series for iPhone 5 has been launched at the 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last January. A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a thousand pictures. Enjoy and comment!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Elementi Sotterranei 2013 - international writing and street art festival

"Elementi Sotterranei" is an
international Graffiti-Writing and Street-Art festival, organized by the
"Bravi Ragazzi" association from Gemona del Friuli, Udine (Italy), that
every year invites international and national artists, providing a theme on which to develop socially useful works.

For this year there will be a lot of international artists, such as DMS (Brazil), ETNIK (Italy), VESOD (

Boogie is my Friend

Badnews presents a short documentary "Boogie is my Friend" about the
graffiti artist Boogie. In the documentary the DS Solutions film team
accompany the writer to his Vernissage at the trendy Hotel Riders Palace
in Laax (Switzerland).

Beats by Dramatic Soul Artist D.Digital
Final Song by HTC from the upcoming Album "Wahnsinn"
Filmed and produced by DS Solutions

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Las Calles Hablan - Documentary about Street Art

Horta, Barcelona.

We wanted to make a documentary which was
filmed mostly on the streets, shot from the hip, something that reflects
the street art itself.

A lot of the story comes from the street artists themselves. They
were always generous with their time and information. They developed the
process, they wanted this story to be told.

Las Calles Hablan is a story about

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sofles - Ironlak Team

Some works by Sofles, one of the best artist of the Ironlak Team!

To see more about the IRONLAK TEAM, CLICK HERE!
To see more about SOFLES CLICK HERE!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Winners of the Sketch Battle #10 - sponsored by MEM

Finally, we have the three winners of the sketch battle #10, sponsored by MEM!

1st place - SICK - Israel: the best sketch in the battle, awesome illustration perfectly integrated with the rest of the piece, tough letters, perfect use of brilliant colors and very creative concept! This is a talented and skilled artist!

2nd place - RESTOK - Philippines: original concept, perfect combination

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sweo 3D graffiti (pt.1)

Some works by Sweo, an incredible and talented artist from France!

To see the part 2, CLICK HERE!

Sweo's website:

Friday, May 17, 2013

Uroboro Dragon by Pao

New wonderful mural by Pao from Italy, in Milan's China Town.
It's an explosion of colors!

PAO's website | PAO's facebook page

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Flamin'go mural by Telmo Miel‏

Telmo Miel did a new mural in Belgium, thanks to Street Art gallery Artifex.  | facebook | youtube

To see more about TELMO MIEL, CLICK HERE!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Women Are Heroes" - JR Exhibition - Paris

When he proposed the Women are Heroes project in Africa, Asia and South America he promised to the women he met to take their story around the world. To keep his words, JR and his communities realize in September 2009 a huge exhibition on l'Ile Saint Louis, Paris.

Lorsqu’il propose Women are Heroes en Afrique, en Asie et en Amérique latine, JR promet aux femmes qu’il rencontre de faire

Sunday, May 5, 2013

"Doors of perception" by MTO & IEMZA

LE GRAND JEU : "Doors of perception".

An IEMZA & MTO collaboration project sponsored by "BMG graphic design", alias Brice MARTIN-GRASER (picture model).

 "Le grand jeu" ( the big game ) is the name of an artistical movement and a review created in Reims (France) between 1928 & 1932. « Le Grand Jeu est irrémédiable ; il ne se joue qu'une fois. Nous voulons le jouer à tous les instants

"Angry Bitch" graffiti

Someone has discovered this sweet piece around Helsinki, Finland, 2012.
Artist: Hende

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Amazing mural in Chorzów, Poland

The whole wall - Chorzów, Poland.
Szwedzki, Marcin Malickii, Ogryz42, Tempz, Panas Tadas , Bexa, Fork Afx, Kupsok, aeros three hundred and seven, Ket124

Part of the mural by Ket124: