Thursday, March 31, 2011

French street artist JR takes over Los Angeles

Banksy isn't the only artist to have made the Los Angeles streets his own. French graffiti artist JR has also been covering the face of the City of Angels with Wrinkles.

French photographer, street artist and award-winning filmmaker JR arrived in Los Angeles last week to exhibit his latest artwork, entitled 'Wrinkles of the City'.

The project showcases his art in the form of wall-sized

Friday, March 25, 2011

Royal wedding graffiti appears in London but is it a Banksy?

A Banksy-style piece of graffiti inspired by the Royal Wedding has appeared on London's Bond Street.

The image shows a black and white picture of the Queen holding a spray can as she finishes painting Will + Kate inside a pink heart with paint dripping down.

It has been sprayed on scaffolding hoardings outside a shop. The stencil-type style has led to suggestions it could have been created

Monday, March 21, 2011

Moses Graffiti (pt.3)

Moses: walls and trains graffiti from all over the world.

Click HERE to see the pt.1

Click HERE to see the pt.2

Click HERE to see the pt.1

Click HERE to see the pt.2

Stay tuned for the 4th part!

To see more about Moses, CLICK HERE!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

UK graffiti artist EINE bombs San Francisco

If you’ve been walking around the Mission, Tenderloin or Nob Hill, you might have seen huge block letters showing up on walls and shutters.
It’s the work of London-based street artist EINE, who painted the 26 letters of the alphabet around these San Francisco neighborhoods and painted one large work, "We Rock Hardest," above the KFC restaurant on Polk and Eddy Streets.
EINE, a.k.a. Ben Flynn,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

5Pointz fans hope petition will save Queens graffiti artists' haven

Graffiti artists are known by the tags they scrawl on buildings, but yesterday they were hoping their real signatures can save the 5Pointz factory in Long Island City.
Local spray-painters are circulating several petitions against the proposed demolition of 5Pointz, an urban art mecca since the early 1990s.
But factory owner Jerry Wolkoff said yesterday that he still wants to replace the

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Los Angeles wants to stop tagger from making money off art

LOS ANGELES—A graffiti vandal who caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to Los Angeles property is trying to make it in the legitimate art world—but the city attorney doesn't want him profiting from his notoriety.
The Los Angeles Times says the city attorney sued Cristian Gheorghiu and nine others last year. The suit seeks at least $1 million in penalties and a court order barring

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

5Pointz becomes more of an attraction ahead of possible redevelopment

With the future of a Queens landmark is uncertain, it's becoming even more of an attraction.
Dozens gathered Saturday at the 5Pointz building in Long Island City, which has been a public art gallery for graffiti for more than eight years.
But the building's owner, Jerry Wolkoff, wants to redevelop the land.
With more than 300 different works on the building, artists say it provides a space for

Monday, March 14, 2011

Street art and graffiti get museum exhibition in Los Angeles

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles is presenting Art in the Streets, a major exhibition that follows the history of graffiti and street art, from April 17 to August 8, featuring the work of 50 seminal artists from around the world, including Fab 5 Freddy (New York), Shepard Fairey (Los Angeles), Os Gerneos (Sao Paulo) and JR (Paris).

The show offers a record of this distinctive

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Banksy’s Reflection of L.A. is truer than most

At its core, art is subversive, dangerous, anti-authority, and often times derided in the moment it is created. This was never truer than with the multi-talented street artist Banksy.

His recent splash of art that was spewed on our city is one that was probably sparked due to his directorial film debut, "Exit Through the Gift Shop" and its Oscar nomination in the Best Documentary category.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Teenager arrested in Gloucester Twp. graffiti case

GLOUCESTER TWP. — Since November of 2010, there have been over 30 incidents of graffiti througout the township, but police have finally made an arrest.
Osman Lopez-Rodriquez Jr, 19, of Hobart Drive in Gloucester Township has been arrested and charged with 32 counts of criminal mischief for spray painting the graffiti, according to police.
Police said Lopez Rodriquez is accused of spray painting

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hard line on Glen Eira graffiti

GLEN Eira’s “concerning” graffiti is in the spotlight as Caulfield MP David Southwick takes a tough stand.“Unfortunately there is no silver bullet to fix this problem but taking a hard line combined with prevention and education programs are desperately needed.”He said Glen Eira Council could apply for up to $25,000 funding and community groups could apply for grants of up to $10,000 under the

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Queens Graffiti Mecca faces redevelopment

The Five Pointz graffiti "mecca" in Long Island City, Queens
It’s a sad day for New York's street artists. Developers are planning to bulldoze Five Pointz in Queens, an icon of graffiti culture worldwide, and replace it with new high rises.
Since 1993, the former warehouse space in Long Island City has served as an informal training ground and gallery for street artists from around the city.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Graffiti artist's attacker gets three-year sentence

MONTREAL — To his sister, mother and father, he was Brian Kachur, a 19 year-old dearly attached to his family. To most of his friends he was Razor, a graffiti artist whose passion cost him his life.
On November 15, 2009, two teenagers aged 14 and 15 bludgeoned Kachur to death while he was working on another piece of his unique brand of art.
The reason for the brutal attack? The pair was angry he

Monday, March 7, 2011

LA employs new database to track graffiti vandals

LOS ANGELES — Authorities are creating a database that will be used to store photographs of graffiti vandalism, enabling investigators to track hot spots where such activity is on the rise, they announced Friday.
The city currently spends $10 million a year cleaning up graffiti, and last year painted over 31 million square feet of vandalized surfaces.
Clean-up crews are being equipped with smart

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ders & Vibes big mural

A great work by DERS (from Basel, Switzerland) & VIBES (from Brighton, GB)

(Click on the images to enlarge them)

Friday, March 4, 2011

OCEANSIDE: Rat Mural is not a Banksy

UPDATE: Rat mural removed in Oceanside

A mural of a rat flying a kite that appeared overnight on the side of a taco shop in Oceanside is not the work of internationally know graffiti artist Banksy, according to a public relations firm representing the artist.

The mural appeared seemingly out of nowhere Friday morning on a large, blank wall on the side of a building housing the Bull Taco shop

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hallelujah! Graffiti artist Retna goes Global

Retna, the 31-year-old artist from Los Angeles, opened his first New York solo exhibition last week, and I got to see what it’s like to be an artist at the peak of his powers.
Retna, whose real name is Marquis Lewis, comes from a graffiti background. The nom de plume – derived from a Raekwon song – was originally given to a friend. “I gave him a sketch, and he went and battled some dude and he

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Graffiti art's new Berlin Wall

Between Berlin and Halle, Germany, lies a 100m-long graffiti mural created by a woman that goes by the name of MadC.
If you travel by rail between Berlin and Halle, Germany, and pay attention to the passing landscape, you will eventually set eyes on a 100m-long (350ft-long) series of detailed scenes: a laboratory overrun by rats, a shipping port under dark clouds, galleons fighting through rough

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

‘How To Sell A Banksy’ Trailer

Generally, art is created, displayed and then sold. That tends to be the normal way of doing things. With the street artist Banksy, though, nothing is normal. Much of his work is displayed in public for all to see, and while it would ideally remain there as something beautiful as well as provocative, governing bodies don’t consider the outdoors an open canvas. Therefore, Banksy’s work regularly